Amy Eileen Hamm
mom . co-founder of #GIDYVR and
@cawsbar. host at @GCstoryhour
free speech & women's sex-based rights . wizarding terf . views are mine not my employer's

Anna Slatz
Criminology (hons), BA Sociology (hons), MA/IDST student, professional pain-in-the-ass. I’m very good at my job. Words in @Quillette @PsychReg

Barbara Kay
Weekly columnist at http://thepostmillennial.com. Monthly at the Epoch Times. Mom of Jonathan and Joanne. Bubbie to five beautiful granddaughters.

Baroness Nicholson
Member of the HOL. President
. Prime Minister's Trade Envoy to Iraq, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, http://Kazakhstan.Off Duty tweeter.

Madeleine Kearns
Writer @NRO | Also @Spectator, @WSJ, and @Telegraph | Singer | The worst they can do is say that you’re the boogeyman, then you just say "BOO"

Abigail Shrier
I write about culture & law (@yalelawsch alum) @wsj
. Author - IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters (now available!)

Natasha Chart
Heretic. Women are female. No pomo, no tankies, no authoritarians. NatashaChart@spinster.xyz