Critical Thinkers
Maybe a brief description?
Critical Thinkers
should we put a brief description here?

Heather Mason
#nothingaboutuswithoutus We will not be silenced! Mother, Advocate, Parolee, Survivor of Fentanyl Addiction,
Examination of Brain differences (or lack thereof)
Examination of consequences re undergoing medical transition
Examination of cited consequences re NOT transitioning youth
Differences between adult females and males
(e.g., violence rates, sport): Real life Implications
Derrick Jensen interviews Susan Cox on queer theory.
Susan Cox is a feminist writer, activist, and educator in Philosophy.
Woman's Place is on the Podium: Emma Hilton (10 July 2019)
Dr Emma Hilton reviews the science supporting the IOC decision to let male-born transgender athletes into female competition.
Queer Theory Pedophilia Jeopardy w/ Derrick Jensen
A Woman's Place takes nerves of steel (Sheffield, 20th September 2018) Michele Moore
She is the Co-Editor of the ground-breaking book Transgender Children and Young People, Born in Your Own Body from Cambridge Scholars. Michele will be discussing ideas from the book – the implications of self-declaration of gender for children and young people, including disabled children
Posie Parker on Women's Rights
A fascinating episode with women's rights campaigner Posie Parker
Studies & Statistics
Videos & Podcasts
We are concerned about the attempts to twist and obscure words real meanings. These are the correct meanings.​
Woman: adult female human
Man: adult male human
Male: of or denoting the sex that produces small, typically motile gametes, especially spermatozoa, with which a female may be fertilized or inseminated to produce offspring.
Female: of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) which can be fertilized by male gametes.
Homosexual: sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
Heterosexual: sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex.
Bisexual: sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular sex; attracted to both men and women.
Gay: male homosexual
Lesbian: female homosexual
Gender: Gender is defined as the socially constructed roles and behaviours that a society typically associates with males and females
Sex: either of the two categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions
Bigot: a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions
Misogyny: dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.
Homophobia: irrational dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people
Autogynephilia (AGP): a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female
Gender Dysphoria: the mental condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one's biological sex.
Rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD): children who suddenly—seemingly out of the blue—decided they identify strongly with the opposite sex.